Hoosier Army Mom’s Weblog

Conservative Views

I’m proud to call these men my countrymen.

From Cao’s Blog…

Current Serving Special Forces Soldier Warns: “Gun confiscation being set up inside the military”

To Free The Oppressed

It’s about time that something like this has formed. I’m an E7 in the Army National Guard (Colorado, B co. 5/19th SFG) I’m an 18C and I’m getting the hell out of the Army. I’ve had enough. I ETS in October and I’m picking up my family and we’re moving to New Hampshire to join other defenders of the Republic in a place that is still one of the freest places in the nation. (I’m a member of the Free State Project.)I’m currently serving on OWT status at Ft. Bliss, TX. I wanted to share what is going on here…

Read on… http://caosblog.com/9892


A patriot knows when his duty is to disobey the Commander-and-Chief; in order to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION and DEFEND LIBERTY.

Learn more about these men of honor on Stogie’s blog… Sabrepoint

The Oath-Keepers: the Beginnings of Internal Rebellion Against Obama?

A society of members of the military and police have formed to oppose potentially unconstitutional orders and laws passed by Barack Obama and his Democrat supporters. They have listed laws and orders that they will not obey, remaining true to their oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States”.

Their blog is http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/.

March 20, 2009 Posted by | Ethics, Government, Leftism, Our Military | , , , | Leave a comment